Thursday, October 13, 2011

Windows Remote Access

The LRC has a Citrix Terminal Server which allows you to access your LRC Windows desktop remotely from various clients such as Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, MacOS 8/9/X, Linux, and other Unix flavors. The Terminal Server provides access to applications available in the LRC that students might not have on their home or office systems. Available applications are:
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Illustrator
MS Office
Adobe Photoshop
MS Project
Tk Solver
Fluent & Gambit
MS Visio
Logging into the Terminal Server is the same as logging into a PC in the LRC. Connecting to the Terminal Server from a Windows or Mac client, your local hard drive will automatically be mapped allowing you to copy files between the Terminal Server session and your local system.
To get started using the Terminal Server follow the steps below.

Windows Setup
1. Download and run the ICA client installer.
2. You only need to install the Program Neighborhood and can select the defaults during the rest of the installation.
3. Open the Citrix Program Neighborhood and choose Add ICA Connection. If you do not see the Add ICA Connection icon, select the Up icon to get the Custom ICA Connection icon.
3a. Choose Local Area Network
3b. Enter a description and choose TCP/IP + HTTP. Then click the Server Location... button.
3c. Uncheck the Use Default box and select the Add button. Enter
3d. Select Published Application and enter Desktop.
3e. Select View in a remote desktop window.
3f. Uncheck Use Default and select Encryption Level: 128 Bit.
3g. Leave User name and Domain blank.
3h. Uncheck Use Default buttons and select Windows Colors: High Color and Window Size: Full Screen.

4. When finished, the Citrix Program Neighborhood should look like the image below. To start the Terminal Server session, double click the LRC Terminal Server icon.
To enable sound select the Settings icon and go to the Default Options tab.
6. If you want to modify your configuration or if it not working correctly, select the LRC Citrix1 Desktopicon and then select the Properties icon.

Mac Setup
1. Run the ICA client installer.
2. Select the defaults during the installation.
3. Open the Citrix Client Editor and configure using the following settings:

4. Select the Save button and save as LRC Citrix1 Desktop
5. To start the Terminal Server session click the Connect button

Linux and Unix Setup
If running Red Hat Linux, download the RPM version of the ICA client. To install the RPM use the command rpm -Uvh ica-client.rpm, where ica-client is name of the client file.
To install the other Linux/Unix clients, the client install file must be uncompressed and untarred before installing. Use the commands where ica.tar is the name of the client install file.
  • gzip -d ica.tar.gz
  • tar -xvf tca.tar
The default install location is /usr/lib/ICAClient. See the Unix Client Admin Guide if you are interested in changing the default install location. These instructions use the default location.
1. Start Citrix ICA Client Editor with the command /usr/lib/ICAClient/wfcmgr

2. Select New... from the Entry menu and configure using the following settings.
  • Server Description: LRC Citrix1 Desktop
  • Server:
  • Encryption Level: RC5 (128 bit)
  • Windows Colors: 32 Thousand or better
  • Window Size: Fixed size with resolution of 1024 X 768 or better
3. Click OK and the Client Editor should look like below. To start the Terminal Server session click the lightning bolt icon.

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